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The Bad Girl: Chapter 6 The Unexpected“Tell me again why we are giving Van Wu the honor of popping my cherry?” Reina asked, playing with the straw of her mocha frappe.

It was Friday afternoon, two weeks after that night of Reina’s I’m-going-to-start-having-sex decision, and the girls were passing time at Starbucks.

Chrissie choked on her cafe latte, “Where the hell did that come from?” she sputtered.

“Popping my cherry?!” Chrissie mimicked. She looked at her friend who was raising an eyebrow at her and went on still bewildered at her friend’s choice of words.

“Reina Girl, since when have you tasherwin fancy on OLD SCHOOL terms? You almost sound like my grandmother!” she giggled.

Reina, starting to get annoyed, glared at her friend and said, “Go ahead! Laugh all you want!”

“Oh, come on, Rain, you know I was just kidding,” Chrissie tried to be apologetic but ruined it when she broke into fits of laughter.

Reina looked down, almost blushing, ALMOST. She looked at her crazed friend and silently implored.

Chrissie immediately sobered when she saw the pleading look in her friend’s eyes. “Look we have talked about this,” she reminded and sincerely added, “If you’re not sure about it, we could call the whole thing off.”

“I can’t back out now!” shot an obviously nervous Reina. “He’s expecting me to be at his place in four hours!”

“Well, we can always come up with an excuse…” her friend offered. “You know, like your mother whisked you off to Bliss to attend some function… or your dad came for a surprise visit so…”

“Yan,” she cut off, “if I back out now, I may never have the guts to go for it again…” She said it in a low voice, which made it sound almost like a whisper, looked down and bit her lip.

“You, Reina Yang, the Bitch, would actually lose some guts?!” Chrissie raised her eyebrows. “The odds of that happening, my dear friend, is nil, zero, nada…”

She put her finger on Reina’s chin and tilted her face to look up and said, “Reina, honey, there is no pressure here. Nobody is urging you to get laid.”

Reina smiled weakly. “Thanks, Chris, I know you mean well but I’m really sure about doing this tonight," her heart warming to her friend’s concern. "Just having second thoughts on the person.”

“Now, tell me again, why Van?” Reina asked as she took out a slim stick of Capri from her Fendi cigarette case and lit it.

“Why Van?! BECAUSE he’s handsome, gorgeous, hot, delicious, yummy, sinful, sexy, virile, good in bed, rumored to have a big…you know…, “ said Chris, smiling mischievously. “Not that size matters, but for me it does, but generally it doesn’t, or that a big LITTLE FRIEND means he’s GOOD but…” she trailed off, her mind obviously drifting to visions of Van in all his naked glory.

“Earth to Chrissie Yan” Reina prompted snapping her fingers to get her friend’s attention.

Chris sighed wistfully and distractedly answered, “Anyway, did I say gorgeous already?”

Then, her energy picked up as she thought about Van’s assets and abilities, “Yang, I could go on and on! I almost envy you! Can I, like, have him next term?” she asked, like a child wanting to borrow a favorite toy.

Reina just smiled and shook her head, amused at her friend.

“Anyway back to the real issue here,” Chrissie’s tone became a little bit serious.

“In the most DREADED EVENT that Van would knock you up, which is also HIGHLY UNLIKELY because I heard that he never engages in unprotected sex, which is VERY responsible of him... not to mention you having the Norplant contraceptive shot a couple of weeks ago...” her blabbing trailed as she impishly smiled and waved at a cute guy by the counter.

Reina followed her gaze and looked at the guy then back to her. “…And here I am thinking that you’re lusting after Van Wu.” She drawled rolling her eyes at her friend’s talent of changing preferences at the drop of a hat.

“That’s still like, next term, so that means I can have other guys before him,” she defended herself. “Okay, now where was I? Oh yeah, focus, Chrissie, focus!”

“Hmm...Oh yes!” she remembered, clapping her hands. “If ever Mr. Wu, here, gets you WITH CHILD, you could always hunt him down when you decide to introduce father and child. You’re not Drei Yang’s daughter for nothing, you know.”

She continued to blab, “And for the NTH TIME...” she raised her hand for emphasis, “… that horrible scenario that we’re playing is NOT REMOTELY POSSIBLE because we have this carefully planned!”

“Reina,” she reached out for her friend’s hand and tried to reassure her, “This is the night and Van is THE GUY!”

“Why do I get this feeling that you are more excited than I am?!” Reina said wryly.

“Of course I am! Reina, the Girl-Bitch, will FINALLY turn into a full-pledged WOMAN!” Chrissie reasoned. She, then, reached for Reina’s cigarettes and lit one stick.

“Now,” Chrissie paused to puff her smoke out, “Why don’t we pamper you up and get you ready for a full night and perhaps day of roughs and tumbles...” Chrissie teased, wriggling her eyebrows.

“Okay,” Van sighed, “Can’t I just take the first plane out tomorrow? Uh… Okay, I’ll be there.”

“Damn! Of all nights!” he shouted in frustration, throwing his phone on the sofa.

Suddenly, then there was a knock at the door.

He looked at his watch. “Hmmm… it’s still two hours before our date. Wonder who it could be..."

As he opened the door, a furious Sherwin stormed right in and said, “Don’t ask!”

He ignored his cousin’s remark and questioned, “I thought you were supposed to have a group study somewhere?”

“SUPPOSED is the operative word,” he answered angrily.

“My group mates cancelled on me at the last minute. Sorry, Van, I know you’ve got company tonight. I won’t get in your way, promise!” He walks over to the living room and plopped himself carelessly on the couch.

“I’ll just lock myself in my room. Place some ear phones to block out any moans and groans elicited from your bed.” He continued.

Sherwin began to rub his temples, “I might even be dead to the world. I have a splitting headache. Damn papers!”

“Tsk, tsk! He’s been working hard. He needs a break. Damn! He needs to get laid!” Van thought... and then a light bulb turned on in his head.

“I don’t mind,” Van said out loud and almost grudgingly added, “I’m taking a rain check on tonight’s action anyway. Dad called, we are having some problems in our Hong Kong Office. I need to get back to Taipei tonight because Dad needs to discuss some things with me before he leaves for Hong Kong tomorrow.”

“What problems? Is there anything I can do to help?” Sherwin offered.

“Thanks, Sherwin, but you need to rest. Don’t worry about me, buddy,” he said as he headed toward his room. “Wait here I’ll get you something for that headache.”

That “something” was Methaqualone, commonly known as French Quaalude, an aphrodisiac. Van keeps a stash of such pills for the ladies he takes to bed to guarantee a totally wild night.

He handed one to Sherwin, “Here, take some. It will lessen your pain.”

“What’s this?” asked Sherwin, still rubbing his temples.

“Mefenamic acid.” Van lied straight-faced and continued, “Oh by the way, I have to go to the airport now. The next flight to Taipei leaves in three hours. If I’m not there by tonight, Dad’s going to have my head. “

As he proceeded to the door, he said, ”Oh, and I need a favor. I can’t seem to reach my date. She’ll be here in a couple of hours. Can you explain things for me?”

“Sure, Van. You always leave me to clean up your mess!” he joked. “She will surely be disappointed not to get a taste of the great Van Wu. Who is she by the way?”

“Reina Yang.”